Monday, June 27, 2011

Hell Yeah! Go New York!

Congratulations to the state of New York! They did what California has yet to accomplish (*sigh*).

By passing the marriage equality bill, they effectively DOUBLED the number of Americans who can enjoy same sex marriage! New York's state population is 19,378,102 according to the 2010 US Census. The population of the other five states (Mass, Conn, Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont) plus Washington equal 15,671,450. Impressive indeed!

On that subject, I thought it'd be a good idea to take a look at how national perceptions of gay marriage have shifted in just one year! 

Crazy that youngsters (18-34) changed 16%! In just one year! 
With the momentum from New York, expect these numbers to keep exploding! Great news!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

state names according to twitter

A pretty fun infographic done by design taxi.

Takes all of the names people give to their "location" on Twitter (e.g. NYC = Gotham).

Check out the clever names people've come up with. My personal favorite: "gateway to alaska" and "miami of canada"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

who's advertising the most

P&G knocks everyone's socks off.

Who're you surprise to see NOT make the list? Microsoft and Sony are a couple that come to mind...

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